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  • November 28, 2022

3 Common Processes You Can Automate with AGVs

Every industrial engineer is familiar with this saying, whether it comes from management or industry need. Today's businesses are always looking to make their processes more efficient and flexible, and automation can be one of the best tools to achieve these goals due to business growth and market changes. Getting the most out of a modern system is difficult and requires careful planning.

Achieving performance targets with automation tools to increase productivity and reduce waste within your budget, is a major challenge. No two automation solutions are ever the same. Each company and industry may need different solutions based on their specific goals, limitations, and challenges.

Automated Automotive Vehicles (AGVs) are one of the various flexible automation tools to help manage your business growth. They can do repetitive and tedious tasks without adding labor costs. Their modular setup also makes it easy to add to it as your tasks change and change over time.

Deciding to use an Automated Automotive Vehicles system for automation solutions is an easy part. It can be difficult to determine which of your best practices are changing with AGVs. Three common tasks that come to mind as soon as you evaluate potential Automated Automotive Vehicles projects within your operations.

1. Flexible Meeting Lines

Flexibility is very important in modern industry. Markets are changing, epidemics are on the rise, and production must change rapidly to continue. The name of the game is fast and that is where the AGVs shine.

The assembly lines usually require hundreds of meters of transport, power, and air droplets as well as permanent ground changes. This creates reminders that are difficult or impossible to reuse when the convention line changes.

By creating a merge line using the tunnel type or AGV unit load, you can make changes quickly and easily. Many AGVs can also connect to external devices or software such as PLCs (intelligent controllers) and WMS (storage system management system) so that you can keep track of all normal connection line operations.

AGVs have the added benefit of avoiding the large initial investment of the transportation system by allowing for limited installation, adding two to three vehicles at a time as the project progresses.

2. Power Delivery Methods

In some material delivery channels, Automated Automotive Vehicles may be more suitable automation solutions. By using AGV, you can add:

  • Delivery prediction

  • Reduce product damage

  • Increase staff efficiency

Unlike tuggers, which require operators to steer the vehicle, AGVs use computer-controlled navigation systems. This frees workers to perform other tasks and removes them from potentially dangerous situations.

The flexibility offered by AGVs allows for improved security and operational conditions for the user. AGVs can take tedious and repetitive tasks that free up job tasks that require human decision-making skills. Varying in size and capacity, portable AGVs can control heavy and soft loads, large and small, or your combination.

3. Accurate Delivery of the Side of the Line

By using AGVs to obtain delivery of material, you ensure that delivery is always up to date. As a bonus, AGVs can work around the clock, reducing or completing downtime due to shortages.

The precision levels obtained by AGVs make them suitable for movements that require precise placement such as pallets and skids. This also makes them ideal for levels where accuracy is key, such as throwing a load on a snow cell. This removes the heavy burden on your employees and keeps your production line running at a reliable and predictable price.


AGVs are amazing automation tools, and if used properly, can provide significant returns on investment as automation solutions. Meeting lines, delivery lines, and line delivery are just three examples of many areas where AGVs can improve the efficiency of your work.

End-to-end procurement from 13 SQFT can provide AGV opportunities that come in all shapes and sizes. At 13 SQFT, we aim to help you find every opportunity to create a flexible and sustainable industry through creative solutions and work with you to help identify and implement the best AGV opportunities

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